Lanzamiento 10/04/2020
- Authentication add-on : In the profile edition page, fixed an issue that caused a "shadow" being displayed over the fields.
#BUG FIX #PWA - Product detail page : Fixed an issue that caused the font size of link element being wrong.
#BUG FIX #PWA - Home section : In widgets with Minimal template, fixed an issue that caused the pager smaller.
Lanzamiento 09/04/2020
- Products list section : Now the title of the collection is displayed in the header, when this section is not in the navigation mode.
#BUG FIX #ANDROID - Article section : Fixed an issue that caused link in images not working in detail view.
Lanzamiento 08/04/2020
- Authentication add-on : On the sign up page, fixed an issue that caused the view being automatically scrolled to top when clicking on the first field.
Lanzamiento 07/04/2020
- Video section : Fixed an issue that caused the control of the video player being partially hidden when using a source.
Lanzamiento 02/04/2020
- Developer add-on : In the plugin section, fixed an issue that caused some request being sent without POST params.
Lanzamiento 01/04/2020
- Products list section : Fixed an issue that caused the thumbnail being cut when you were setting on the point of interest of your image on the top left corner.
Lanzamiento 31/03/2020
- External Ad Network add-on : Facebook Native Ads are now available on the template 7 of the Article section.
#NEW RELEASE #ANDROID - Checkout page : Fixed an issue that caused a crash of the application on Android 6.0.
#BUG FIX #ANDROID - Video section : Fixed an issue that could cause a crash of the application when using a custom feed as source.
#BUG FIX #IOS - Internal ad network add-on : In the sound detail view, fixed an issue that caused the banner ad not appearing.
Lanzamiento 30/03/2020
- Home section : In widgets Promo banner, fixed an issue that caused the texts & butttons being centered instead of being aligned on left.
#BUG FIX #ANDROID - Authentication add-on : On the login view, fixed an issue that caused the logo not being centered on iPad Pro devices.
#BUG FIX #IOS - Product Lists section : Fixed an issue that caused a crash of the application.
Lanzamiento 24/03/2020
- Home section : In widgets with SlideShow template, fixed an issue that caused the background of the button being colorized instead of being transparent.
#BUG FIX #IOS - Fixed an issue that caused the Status Bar text being black on black backgrounds on devices with dark mode enabled.
Lanzamiento 23/03/2020
- Internal ad network add-on : Fixed an issue that caused the banner ad not centered horizontally.
#BUG FIX #IOS - Authentication add-on : Sign in with Apple is now available.
#NEW RELEASE #ANDROID - Authentication add-on : Sign in with Apple is now available.
#NEW RELEASE #PWA - The management of pop-ups used to ask permission requests has been improved.
#NEW RELEASE #PWA - Authentication add-on : Sign in with Apple is now available.
Lanzamiento 20/03/2020
- Home section : In widget search, fixed an issue that caused a crash of the application on Android 4.4 devices.
Lanzamiento 19/03/2020
- Article section : Now we you click on an image of the detail view, a slideshow is opened with all images of the article.
#NEW RELEASE #PWA - Video section : Now we you click on an image of the detail view, a slideshow is opened with all images of the video description.
#NEW RELEASE #PWA - Event section : Now we you click on an image of the detail view, a slideshow is opened with all images of the event description.
#NEW RELEASE #PWA - Sound section : Now we you click on an image of the detail view, a slideshow is opened with all images of the sound description.
#NEW RELEASE #PWA - Map section : Now we you click on an image of the detail view, a slideshow is opened with all images of the place description.
#NEW RELEASE #PWA - Article section : Now we you click on an image of the detail view, a slideshow is opened with all images of the article.
#NEW RELEASE #IOS - Video section : Now we you click on an image of the detail view, a slideshow is opened with all images of the video description.
#NEW RELEASE #IOS - Event section : Now we you click on an image of the detail view, a slideshow is opened with all images of the event description.
#NEW RELEASE #IOS - Sound section : Now we you click on an image of the detail view, a slideshow is opened with all images of the sound description.
#NEW RELEASE #IOS - Map section : Now we you click on an image of the detail view, a slideshow is opened with all images of the place description.
Lanzamiento 17/03/2020
- Ghost navigation mode : Fixed an issue that caused the close icon displayed in the header.
Lanzamiento 16/03/2020
- Home section : Fixed an issue that caused the Home section being reloads incorrectly when coming back on it from a detail view.
#BUG FIX #PWA - Fixed an issue that caused the PWA not working in Facebook iOS in-app browser.
#BUG FIX #PWA - Home section : In widgets with template Banner Classic & Banner Visual, fixed an issue that caused the navigation arrows not displayed on desktop devices.
Lanzamiento 13/03/2020
- Community add-on : In the users list section, fixed an issue that caused the profile page of a user with a broken design, when it was opened from the map.
Lanzamiento 12/03/2020
- Products List section : You're now able to choose the center of your product thumbnail by editing the focal point of the image.
#NEW RELEASE #ANDROID - Products List section : You're now able to choose the center of your product thumbnail by editing the focal point of the image.
#NEW RELEASE #IOS - Flurry Stats SDK has been updated to the 10.2.0 version
#NEW RELEASE #IOS - External Ad Network add-on : Fixed an issue that caused the AdMob banner disappearing on iPad devices in Landscape orientation.
Lanzamiento 11/03/2020
- Fixed an issue that can caused crash of the application.
#BUG FIX #IOS - External ad-network : The Facebook Native Ads SDK has been updated to 6.0.0 version.
Lanzamiento 10/03/2020
- Settings section : Now the distance metrics settings is available only if there's a section that need it in the app (Map, Users list, Agenda, Couponing sections).
#NEW RELEASE #IOS - Internal ad network : Fixed an issue that caused the ad not being displayed when the user was choosing rectangle format in the widget.
Lanzamiento 09/03/2020
- Settings section : Now the distance metrics settings is available only if there's a section that need it in the app (Map, Users list, Agenda, Couponing sections).
Lanzamiento 06/03/2020
- Beacons add-on : Fixed an issue that caused a crash of the application.
Lanzamiento 05/03/2020
- Fixed an issue that caused file sending not working on Android 10 devices.
Lanzamiento 04/03/2020
- Fixed an issue that caused the splash screen image on iPhone XR devices being wrong.
#BUG FIX #IOS - The Twitter SDK has been updated to the 5.1.0 version.
#NEW RELEASE #IOS - Fixed an issue that caused error_values events in Firebase dashboard.
#BUG FIX #ANDROID - Fixed an issue that caused the status bar being white in dark mode.
Lanzamiento 03/03/2020
- Home section : Fixed an issue that caused the first widget being bigger when the header has disparition effect.
#BUG FIX #IOS - Internal ad network add-on : Fixed an issue that could cause a crash of the application when using a campaign without interstitial image.
Lanzamiento 02/03/2020
- Authentication add-on : In the User Profile section, fixed an issue that caused a crash of the application on devices with Android 4.4.
Lanzamiento 25/02/2020
- TabBar navigation mode : Fixed an issue that caused a crash of the application when the user was clicking on the more button.
#BUG FIX #IOS - Article section : In template 9, fixed an issue that caused the info text being wrong.
Lanzamiento 20/02/2020
- Chat add-on : Fixed an issue that was causing a crash when the user was getting a push notification of a message.
#BUG FIX #IOS - Update of the Facebook SDK to the 5.13.1 version
#BUG FIX #IOS - Home section : In widget with a navigation template, fixed an issue that caused the gradient displayed with wrong height.
#BUG FIX #ANDROID - Login page : Fixed an issue that caused the title of buttons not being translated.