Each entry returned by the GoodBarber Content API is formatted on a generic Item dictionary type.

The Item entries have common keys, and specific additional keys according to their type and subtype.

In the list below, for the specific types (articles, videos, etc.) inherited from Item, only the additional keys described.


Item (common)

Generic Item type, every other type inherits from Item.

idStringItem unique identifier on its source
typeStringItem type
titleStringItem title
urlStringItem URL on its source
categoriesArray of StringsCategories associated with the item on the source
dateString (date)Item publication date
authorStringItem author
subtypeStringItem subtype (generally describes the service type of the source)



Inherited from Item, can be displayed in Article sections.
type = article
subtype = wordpress, typepad, wmaker, rss, etc.


nbCommentsIntegerNumber of comments associated with the item on its source
commentsEnabledBoolDescribes if the comments have to be enabled or not for this item
commentsUrlStringURL to access the JSON feed of comments for this item
commentsPostUrlStringURL that allows to post comments on this item
summaryStringSummary of the article (no HTML, text only)
contentStringArticle content
smallThumbnailStringArticle thumbnail (small format)
thumbnailStringArticle thumbnail (medium format)
largeThumbnailStringArticle thumbnail (big format)
imagesArray of DictList of images contained in the article
images/[]/idStringValue of the id attribute of the <img> tags in article content
images/[]/urlStringImage URL

Specifications to follow are described here : Articles sources



Inherited from Item, can be displayed in Photo sections.
type = photo
subtype = flickr, facebook, wmaker, picasa, etc.


contentStringPhoto description (text only, no HTML)
nbLikesIntegerNumber of likes of the photo (only if subtype = facebook)
nbCommentsIntegerNumber of comments
commentsEnabledBoolDescribes if the comments have to be enabled or not for this item
commentsUrlStringURL to access the JSON feed of comments for this item
commentsPostUrlStringURL that allows to post comments on this item
imagesDictDictionary of the different sizes available for the photo
images/{SIZE}/heightIntegerHeight of the photo
images/{SIZE}/widthIntegerWidth of the photo
images/{SIZE}/urlStringURL of the photo

Indicative values of {SIZE} 
ValueDescriptionIndicative values
squareSmall format (square)75x75
largesquareMedium format (square)150x150
smallSmall format (original proportions)240x180
mediumMedium format (original proportions)320x240
largeBig format (original proportions)640x480



Inherited from Item, can be displayed in Video sections.
type = video
subtype = youtube, dailymotion, vimeo, wmaker, facebook, etc.


nbCommentsIntegerNumber of comments
commentsEnabledBoolDescribes if the comments have to be enabled or not for this item
commentsUrlStringURL to access the JSON feed of comments for this item
commentsPostUrlStringURL that allows to post comments on this item
contentStringVideo description
summaryStringSummary of the video (no HTML, text only)
smallThumbnailStringVideo thumbnail (Small format)
thumbnailStringVideo thumbnail (Medium format)
largeThumbnailStringVideo thumbnail (Big format)
nbViewsIntegerNumber of views of the video
lengthIntegerVideo duration (seconds)
ratingFloatMedium rating of the video
nbRatingsIntegerNumber of ratings of the video
videoUrlsDictDictionary containing the different formats for the video source
videoUrls/{VIDEO_TYPE}StringURL of the video resource corresponding to {VIDEO_TYPE}
videoUrlStringURL to watch the video (only if subtype = facebook)
nbLikesIntegerNumber of likes of the video (only if subtype = facebook)
imageStringVideo original thumbnail URL (only if subtype = facebook)

Possible keys for {VIDEO_TYPE}
m3u8URL of the HTTP Streaming feedApple HTTP Streaming
mp4URL of the MP4 fileMP4
embedURL that could be indicated as the source of an HTML embed to watch the videoHTML embed
embedHTMLHTML full embed code of the videoHTML embed



Inherited from Item, can be displayed in Event sections.
type = event
subtype = facebook, google, wmaker, etc.


addressStringAddress of the event
allDayBoolDescribes if the event is an "all day" event
contentStringEvent description
endDateString (date)End date of the event
latitudeStringLatitude of the event (GPS coordinates)
longitudeStringLongitude of the event (GPS coordinates)
thumbnailStringThumbnail of the event



Inherited from Item, can be displayed in Sound sections.
type = sound
subtype = podcast, soundcloud, etc.


nbCommentsIntegerNumber of comments
commentsEnabledBoolDescribes if the comments have to be enabled or not for this item
commentsUrlStringURL to access the JSON feed of comments for this item
commentsPostUrlStringURL that allows to post comments on this item
lengthIntegerDuration of the podcast (seconds)
nbFavoritesIntegerNumber of "favorites" by user for this song (only if subtype = soundcloud)
purchaseUrlStringURL to buy the song
streamUrlStringStream URL for this podcast
summaryStringDescription of this podcast
thumbnailStringThumbnail URL



Inherited from Item, can be displayed in comment pages.
type = comment
subtype = wordpress, wmaker, etc.


contentStringContent of the comment

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