Lanzamiento 16/10/2020
- Fixed a scroll issue that only occurs on iOS 12.1 devices.
#BUG FIX #PWA - Google AMP add-on : Some validation issues have been fixed.
Lanzamiento 14/10/2020
- Bag section : Fixed an issue that caused the edit button not being displayed in the header.
#BUG FIX #IOS - It is now possible to create a link to a product using its URL from the home page or a blog post for instance
Lanzamiento 01/10/2020
- Login page : Fixed an issue that caused errors on register not being displayed.
Lanzamiento 28/09/2020
- Article section : Improved UI Accessibility following the EU directive regarding the Web Accessibility recommendations.
Lanzamiento 24/09/2020
- Product detail page : Fixed an issue that caused a 404 page when clicking on a product link that has been shared on Facebook.
Lanzamiento 23/09/2020
- Product detail page : Fixed an issue that caused video embed not being displayed.
Lanzamiento 18/09/2020
- Search section : Now you can go back to the correct search result page when navigating back from a product detail view.
Lanzamiento 15/09/2020
- Little swipe navigation mode : Fixed an issue that caused the badge in the bag element being cut.
Lanzamiento 11/09/2020
- Checkout page : Fixed an issue that caused all charges not being displayed when paying with Apple pay.
#BUG FIX #IOS - Checkout page : Fixed an issue that caused the error message on an invalid discount code being wrong.
#BUG FIX #PWA - TabBar navigation mode : Fixed an issue that caused the gradient not being applied.
Lanzamiento 08/09/2020
- Home section : Fixed a scroll issue on touch devices.
Lanzamiento 07/09/2020
- Product detail page : Fixed an issue that could cause the image slideshow not being displayed.
#BUG FIX #PWA - Checkout page : On iOS devices, fixed an issue that caused the country selection menu glitching when the keyboard is being hidden.
#BUG FIX #PWA - Checkout page : Now we display a numeric keyboard when clicking on the phone number field.
Lanzamiento 02/09/2020
- Home section : In widgets with template Highlight, fixed an issue that caused the wrong category being opened when clicking on the highlighted cell.
Lanzamiento 20/08/2020
- Home section : Fixed an issue that could cause images blinking on display.
Lanzamiento 14/08/2020
- Home section : In widgets with template Visual, fixed an issue that caused the thumb being blurred.
Lanzamiento 07/08/2020
- New add-on “Quick Buy Button” is now available for your Shopping App
Lanzamiento 05/08/2020
- New add-on “Store locator” is now available for your Shopping App
#NEW RELEASE - Map section : Fixed an issue that caused the category being hidden when the list is not displayed.
#BUG FIX #PWA - Article section : In the detail view, fixed some design issues on the share button.
Lanzamiento 04/08/2020
- Fixed an issue that caused a crash of the application.
Lanzamiento 03/08/2020
- Fixed an issue that caused a crash of the application.
Lanzamiento 28/07/2020
- Activate the new "Client note" field on your order page from the menu Settings > Checkout Process
#NEW FEATURE - You can now customize Company / VAT / Phone number fields from the menu Settings > Checkout Process
Lanzamiento 22/07/2020
- Home section : In widgets, fixed an issue that caused a blank thumbnail being displayed instead of hiding it.
#BUG FIX #ANDROID - Blog add-on : Now when a user click on an image in a detail view, a page is opened where he can zoom on the image.
#BUG FIX #ANDROID - Fixed an issue that could cause a crash of the application at launch.
#BUG FIX #ANDROID - Fixed an issue that caused a link to a section url not working properly.
Lanzamiento 21/07/2020
- New add-on “In-Store pickup” is now available for your Shopping App
Lanzamiento 20/07/2020
- Product page : Fixed an issue that caused the OK button being displayed to change the variant even if no change was made on the picker.
Lanzamiento 17/07/2020
- Product page : Fixed an issue that caused the wrong variant selected when the user was choosing some specific options combinations.
Lanzamiento 16/07/2020
- Fixed an issue that caused links with 'openExternal' property not opening the browser of the device.
Lanzamiento 09/07/2020
- Commerce search section : fixed an issue that caused the 'no results' placeholder being displayed while search is still in progress.
Lanzamiento 08/07/2020
- Fixed some issues that caused crash of the application.
#BUG FIX #ANDROID - New features for the add-on "Local delivery"
Lanzamiento 07/07/2020
- Fixed an issue that caused the gradient being displayed on the header at the same time than the background image.
#BUG FIX #ANDROID - Collections list section : Fixed an issue that caused some collection thumbs missing.
Lanzamiento 06/07/2020
- Collection list section : Fixed an issue that caused a crash of the application that happened when it was impossible to download the image of the collection.
Lanzamiento 30/06/2020
- Product detail page : Now the images displayed in fullscreen are zoomable
#BUG FIX #PWA - Product detail page : Fixed an issue on the quantity selector.
Lanzamiento 29/06/2020
- New add-on “Cart Popup reminder” is now available for your Shopping App
#NEW RELEASE - New add-on “Abandoned order” is now available for your Shopping App
Lanzamiento 26/06/2020
- Blog add-on : Fixed an issue that could cause a crash of the application when opening the detail view.
#BUG FIX #ANDROID - Checkout page : Fixed an issue that caused a crash of the application when using Mercado Pago payment method.
Lanzamiento 25/06/2020
- Home section : In navigation Widgets, fixed an issue that caused a border being displayed on the last item.
Lanzamiento 23/06/2020
- Grid navigation mode : Fixed an issue that caused the selected element not properly highlighted.
#BUG FIX #PWA - Slate navigation mode : Fixed an issue that caused the selected element not properly highlighted.
#BUG FIX #PWA - Swipe navigation mode : Fixed an issue that caused the scroll not working when the app is installed on Home Screen on iOS 13 devices.
Lanzamiento 22/06/2020
- Fixed an issue that caused an Apple rejection with the ERROR ITMS-90023: Missing required icon file.
Lanzamiento 19/06/2020
- Article section : In the detail view, fixed an issue that caused the number of comments displayed on the bullet being wrong.
Lanzamiento 18/06/2020
- Bag section : Fixed an issue that caused a 404 page when the user was trying to open the bag section.
Lanzamiento 15/06/2020
- In the header of the app, fixed an issue that caused the close button being displayed instead of the menu button.
#BUG FIX #PWA - Swipe navigation mode : Fixed an issue that caused the scroll in the menu not working on iOS 13.5 devices.
#BUG FIX #PWA - Product detail page : Now product informations are properly reset when leaving the page to avoid cache issues.
#BUG FIX #PWA - Fixed an issue that caused custom icons not being aligned with other icons.
#BUG FIX #PWA - Checkout page : The countries management on the address form have been improved.
#NEW RELEASE #ANDROID - You can now set in the backoffice that your app is targeted for kids. In this case your app will not have any stats services, ads services or chat section.
Lanzamiento 11/06/2020
- Bag section : Fixed an issue that caused a crash when the user was having an out of stock product in the bag.
#BUG FIX #ANDROID - Product list section : Fixed an issue that caused some product images not being displayed.
#BUG FIX #ANDROID - Facebook Audience SDK has been updated to the 5.9 version.
Lanzamiento 04/06/2020
- Fixed an issue that caused some texts in the app being cut.
#BUG FIX #PWA - Home section : In navigation Widget with Small Carousel templates, fixed an issue that caused the widget not being displayed when there was only one link inside (on iOS devices).
#BUG FIX #PWA - Authentication add-on : Now spaces into the login field are forbidden.
#BUG FIX #PWA - Authentication add-on : Now a maximum size constraint is being applied on the profile picture upload to avoid timeout errors (on iOS devices).
Lanzamiento 03/06/2020
- Product detail page : Fixed an issue that caused the product image not being centered on first view opening.