Lanzamiento 07/05/2021
- Video section : In the detail view, fixed an issue that caused the video thumbnail being stretched.
#BUG FIX #ANDROID - Authentication add-on : In the sign up page, fixed an issue that could cause a crash of the application.
#BUG FIX #ANDROID - Form section : Fixed an issue that caused dropdown fields not working.
#BUG FIX #IOS - Video section : In detail views, fixed an issue that caused the thumbnail being blurred.
Lanzamiento 05/05/2021
- Authentication add-on : In the Profile edition page, fixed an issue that could cause impossible to edit the user password.
#BUG FIX #IOS - Checkout page : Fixed an issue that could cause the terms checkbox hidden.
#BUG FIX #IOS - Couponing add-on : Fixed an issue that caused the default thumbnail not being displayed in the coupons list.
#BUG FIX #PWA - Fixed an issue that could cause the logo of the header being displayed with a wrong size.
#BUG FIX #PWA - Checkout page : Fixed an issue that caused the delivery slot not being updated even after a user modification.
Lanzamiento 04/05/2021
- Search section : You can now zoom on the map view results page.
#BUG FIX #PWA - Form section : Fixed an issue that caused a crash of the application when the user was clicking on OK in the confirmation pop-up.
#BUG FIX #PWA - Form section : Now the form description properly handles new line spaces.
#BUG FIX #PWA - Authentication add-on : In the login page, fixed an issue that caused the background not being displayed on the whole page.
Lanzamiento 03/05/2021
- The storage access has been updated to be compliant with the Google policy update of the 5th may.
#UPDATE #ANDROID - Article section : In the detail view, fixed an issue that caused the size of the description part increasing when the user was swiping between articles.
#BUG FIX #ANDROID - Video section : In the detail view, fixed an issue that caused the size of the description part increasing when the user was swiping between videos.
#BUG FIX #ANDROID - Checkout page : Fixed an issue that caused the delivery slot not being updated even after a user modification.
Lanzamiento 30/04/2021
- Fixed an issue that could cause the wrong header being displayed.
#BUG FIX #IOS - Map section : In detail views, fixed an issue that caused the display of the wrong pin in the map view.
Lanzamiento 29/04/2021
- Map section : In detail views, fixed an issue that caused a white banner being displayed on top of the image.
#BUG FIX #IOS - Live+ add-on : Fixed an issue that could cause the live being set as offline even when it's live.
#BUG FIX #IOS - External Ad Networks add-on : On iPad devices, the size of AdMob banners has been updated.
#BUG FIX #IOS - Fixed an issue that caused a wrong display of the header on iPhone 12 Pro Max devices.
#BUG FIX #IOS - TabBar navigation mode : Fixed an issue that caused a wrong display of the TabBar on iPhone 12 and iPhone 12 Pro Max devices.
#BUG FIX #IOS - Fixed an issue that caused a wrong display of the header on iPhone 12 Pro Max devices.
#BUG FIX #IOS - TabBar navigation mode : Fixed an issue that caused a wrong display of the TabBar on iPhone 12 and iPhone 12 Pro Max devices.
#BUG FIX #IOS - Tracking permission pop up is now displayed also for devices with iOS < 14.5.
Lanzamiento 28/04/2021
- Fixed an issue that caused the tracking permission pop up not displayed at the opening of the app.
#BUG FIX #IOS - Event section : Fixed an issue that could cause wrong dates displayed in the list.
#BUG FIX #IOS - Internal Ad Network add-on : In widgets Internal Ads, fixed an issue that could cause the ad disappearing.
Lanzamiento 26/04/2021
- Video section : Fixed an issue that caused YouTube videos to require multiple taps to launch.
#BUG FIX #IOS - Your Shopping apps are now optimized for iOS14.
#UPDATE #IOS - Your Classic apps are now optimized for iOS14.
Lanzamiento 22/04/2021
- Home section : In widgets Collections List, you can now an unlimited amount of collections.
Lanzamiento 21/04/2021
- Article section : In the list you can now use a new token [SUMMARYONLY] that displays only the summary of an article & not his first paragraph.
#UPDATE #ANDROID - Search section : Fixed an issue that caused the display of a loading spinner on the products.
#BUG FIX #ANDROID - Map section : In detail views, you can now hide the "See routes" button by adding the JSON property sections/detail/seeRouteDisabled set to 1
#NEW FEATURE #ANDROID - Fixed a warning about Google Maps SDK reported on Play Store console.
#UPDATE #ANDROID - Bookmark section : Fixed an issue that could cause a crash of the application.
#BUG FIX #ANDROID - Fixed an issue that caused some user event not tracked in statistics.
Lanzamiento 19/04/2021
- Article section : In the list you can now use a new token [SUMMARYONLY] that displays only the summary of an article & not his first paragraph.
#UPDATE #PWA - You can now reject external cookies usage from the first screen popup.
#UPDATE #PWA - For Classic and Shopping apps, the navbar is now available in 3 formats: Small, Medium and Big.
#NEW RELEASE - Article section : In the list you can now use a new token [SUMMARYONLY] that displays only the summary of an article & not his first paragraph.
Lanzamiento 14/04/2021
- Home section : Fixed a display issue in widgets with Small Carousel template.
#BUG FIX #PWA - Google AMP add-on : Fixed an issue that caused the rendered page couldn't be properly indexed.
#BUG FIX #PWA - Map section : In detail views, you can now hide the "See routes" button by adding the JSON property sections/detail/seeRouteDisabled set to 1.
Lanzamiento 13/04/2021
- Home section : In widgets Collection list, fixed an issue that caused the number of bullets being wrong.
#BUG FIX #PWA - Authentication add-on : In the Profile section, fixed an issue that caused the settings button being displayed with wrong colors.
#BUG FIX #PWA - The new design and animation of the pager are now available on all the pages of Classic and Shopping apps.
#NEW RELEASE - Menu section : In template 9, fixed an issue that caused a white gap displayed at the bottom of the screen on iPhone XR devices.
#BUG FIX #IOS - Map section : In detail views, you can now hide the "See routes" button by adding the JSON property sections/detail/seeRouteDisabled set to 1.
Lanzamiento 09/04/2021
- Home section : In widgets Collection list, fixed an issue that caused the number of bullets being wrong.
Lanzamiento 06/04/2021
- Authentication add-on : In the login page with template 3, the sign up text can be now displayed on two lines.
#BUG FIX #ANDROID - Authentication add-on : In the Profile section, fixed an issue that caused the settings button being displayed with wrong colors.
#BUG FIX #ANDROID - Form section : Fixed an issue that caused the form preview being opened twice.
#BUG FIX #ANDROID - Custom sounds on push notifications are not managed anymore.
Lanzamiento 02/04/2021
- Authentication add-on : In the Profile section, fixed an issue that caused the settings button being displayed with wrong colors.
#BUG FIX #IOS - Login page : Fixed an issue that caused a wrong text being displayed in the email field.
#BUG FIX #IOS - Login page : In the forgot password view, fixed an issue that caused a crash of the app if the user was trying to send the recover password email.
Lanzamiento 01/04/2021
- Terms of use section : Fixed an issue that caused fonts used being wrong.
#BUG FIX #IOS - Form section : Fixed an issue that caused required address fields valids even if they are empties.
#BUG FIX #PWA - Login page : Fixed an issue that caused the error message displayed only once when the user typed wrong credentials.
Lanzamiento 29/03/2021
- Authentication add-on : In the Sign up page, fixed an issue that caused possible to fill mandatory fields only with white spaces.
#BUG FIX #IOS - Video section : In detail view, fixed an issue that could cause the video thumbnail being wrong.
Lanzamiento 25/03/2021
- Map section : In the detail view, fixed an issue that caused action buttons being hidden.