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GBJS ToolKit Overview
To use the GoodBarber plugin API, you may use the GoodBarber JavaScript ToolKit. This is a collection of utility functions in JavaScript that can be used to facilitate the use of certain methods of the plugin API.
You will find three main types of tools:
- Debugging parameters (activating alerts, deactivation of requests, etc.)
- Various utility functions (contruction of URLs, sending of GET and POST requests, etc.)
- Encapsulation functions of the GoodBarber Plugin API
The GoodBarber plugin API is updated regularly, you can download the latest version from GoodBarber's GitHub profile (where you will also find examples of plugins).
How to use the GB JS ToolKit in your plugin
To use the GoodBarber JavaScript ToolKit in your plugin, download the latest version from GoodBarber's GitHub profile .
Add the JavaScript file "GBJSTK.js" to the file bundle of your plugin.
In the HTML code of the of the pages of the plugin that require it, add this line to the HEAD tag. <script language="JavaScript" src="./GBJSTK.js"></script>